Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Calling for prayer...

On Facebook yesterday a friend posted "Called 911. Please Pray."  So I did.  Immediately I sent up a prayer for her and each time I thought about it I asked that God's will be done in her life.  I was so amazed and proud of how many people posted that they were praying.  She is a friend from high school.  We were in band together.  Not great friends by any means but.....we had reconnected on Facebook.  How awesome.  I'm not sure what the creators of this web site actually thought it would be used for, but I'm so glad that it was available for prayer requests yesterday.   I posted today that I was so proud to be "friends" with so many people that responded to her request for and women.  A lot were people that we went to high school with.  I posted that I thought the Class of '76 had really turned out to be some awesome human beings.  It was so refreshing to see how people responded.  As it turns out, Martha is home doing much better.  I'd like to believe it is because of all the prayers that were said for her.  Just when I'm convinced people don't care, they surprise you and I'm so glad they did.  So, let's hear it for the Class of '76!!!!

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