Sunday, January 2, 2011

Are you a religious person????

I thought about that today.  My, I'm not.  Spiritual yes, religious no.  I hardly ever go to church.  I believe it is great, just haven't been in quite a while.  I don't share God's word with random people.  I believe that you should live your life in such a way that people want to know what is different about you and THEY ASK YOU.  I can remember being at TAMU and I was studying for an exam and some random person sat down and wanted to share God's love with me.  Are you kidding me????  I am cramming for a test and don't know you and don't want to know you.  I guess that changed my opinion on that sort of thing for ever.  If God leads me to say something or do something, then I follow his lead.  I believe there are times that God puts me in someones path or them in mine for us to have an affect on each others lives.  I just wait on God to provide that this point, He hasn't asked me to go out and find it myself.  There is a fine line in all of this....when you claim to be a christian, you have to live your life like everyone is watching ALL the time because you may be the only Bible some people ever see.  So, my prayer today is, Lord, please let me live in such a way that it glorify you and let others see that I am not perfect, just forgiven.  Amen.

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