Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Scripture Memory Verse #3

James 1:26 NIV    "Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless."   Worthless, really???  Man, that says it all.  God isn't joking when he tells us how he feels about a mouth out of control.  How many times have I said something and immediately wanted to take it back or reel it back in as I see the hurt it caused.  Then there are times when I say what I want and don't care how it is received.  I feel JUSTIFIED in saying it.  They did deserve it after all.  Oh how naive.  If I got all I DESERVED; well, I can't imagine the pain in my heart and physical body.  But to say, "their religion is worthless" really doesn't leave much to the imagination as to how God really feels about it all.  So, as I memorize this verse I pray that it imprints itself on my heart and in my mind.  To know that our words can make our entire witness WORTHLESS.  Puts a lot in perspective, doesn't it. 

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